loves Honeybees

For Häagen-Dazs we paired a huge environmental story with a fundamental brand truth. Häagen-Dazs produces premium ice cream made with all natural ingredients. The honeybee population, which pollinates a third of the worlds natural food, were dying and no one knew why. Our thought? No honeybees, no all natural ingredients, no Häagen-Dazs ice cream.

With this thought we created HD loves HB (Häagen-Dazs loves Honey Bees), a campaign which educated the public while it entertained through a vast range of media and ultimately provided the funds needed to counteract this global natural disaster.

The campaign received 125,000,000 media impressions in its first week (our goal for the entire year), garnered multiple awards including the One Clubs's first ever Green Pencil and most importantly raised the awareness and the hundreds of thousands of dollars that allowed researchers to find an answer to the crisis.

We created a special flavor and every package was re-skinned to raise awareness and our intent to combat it.

We created a site to both further educate our consumers and give them ways to participate in the campaign.

Users were invited to create their own bee avatar and send a “Bee-mail” to a friend or a pre-populated message to their local Congressperson demanding action.


Denny's Super Bowl

